Sanna Turunen from 3DTech Ltd. / Brinter. Ltd will give a presentation in the online 3D Bioprinting conference on the topic “Restore project, User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair” on the 26th of January, 2021.
The 3D Bioprinting Conference is part of the 3D Medical Printing Series, which encompasses four online conferences during two weeks:
- January 26th, 2021, ONLINE 3D Bioprinting Conference
- January 28th, 2021, ONLINE 3D Dental Printing Conference
- February 2nd, 2021, ONLINE 3D Medtech Printing Conference
- February 4th, 2021, ONLINE 3D Pharma Printing Conference
This conference (1st edition in 2014) will bring together the international 3D Bioprinting community to showcase the work of researchers in the 3D Bioprinting field and its applications, in order to foster closer ties and collaborations. The overall goal of this conference is to address both the technologies and the applications — from early technology development to downstream applications.

3D Bioprinting Conferencefocuses on 3D bioprinting, the most disruptive application of 3D printing in the medical world, and the latest developments and applications in the field. The conference is addressed to health care innovators, from tissue engineers to biomedical researchers and from hardware manufacturers to biomedical material suppliers. It is not a purely academic conference, but an innovative event bringing together brilliant minds and discoveries. Especially, early-stage and start-up companies will find this conference an excellent source of
networking opportunities with key opinion leaders participating and speaking